Aims & Scope

The Brazilian Journal of Case Reports (BJCR) (ISSN 2763-583X) is an international, open access, quarterly journal that operates with a continuous editorial and publication flow. Adopting a rigorous double-blind peer review process, the BJCR is committed to publishing high-quality, original contributions that are of significant interest to researchers in both human and animal health. Launched in 2021, the BJCR focuses on disseminating clinical studies that present rare and noteworthy findings which contribute to advancing medical knowledge. Our aim is to provide a platform for the documentation and discussion of unusual and significant clinical cases, offering valuable insights and fostering the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

The journal welcomes submissions that detail clinical experiences, innovative case series, and critical analyses that highlight unique medical phenomena, novel treatment methods, and complex patient scenarios. By maintaining a diverse and interdisciplinary scope, the BJCR seeks to bridge gaps between various fields of medicine and veterinary science, encouraging a holistic understanding of health and disease. The BJCR is dedicated to ensuring accessibility and visibility of its publications through open access, thereby facilitating the global exchange of knowledge and supporting the scientific community in making impactful advancements in medical research.

The Journal features the following sections (all topics may related with human or animal studies):

  • Clinical Case Reports;
  • Clinical Imagens Reports;
  • Letter to editor (Correspondence or Comments).
Time to first decision: Two weeks.
Language: English is the official language of BJCR. However, we will also receive articles in Portuguese.
Aims and Scope

BJCR will consider any original case report that expands the field of general medical knowledge about human and/or veterinary sciences, and original review studies relating to clinical case reports.

All articles in the BJCR may follow one of the following topics, but not necessarily (all topics may related with human or animal studies):

  • Rare clinical findings;
  • Clinical images (ie. X-ray, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasound);
  • Clinical Laboratory findings (ie. blood analysis, and histopathology);
  • Pathology diagnosis;
  • Surgery procedures;
  • Health Education.

Article Processing Charges

All articles published in BJCR are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. APC is essential to cover the costs of all journal publishing functions. The APC for BJCR is USD120,00, for foreign authors, or R$500,00 for Brazillian authors. There are no charges for Letter to editor, submission or rejected articles, and no surcharges based on the article composition (ie. color figures or number of pages).

Scientific Mission

Our mission is the publication and digital visibility of national and international scientific research in the health area, with a focus on open access publications, which seek to disseminate the results of relevant scientific studies, peer-reviewed by a qualified editorial board, valuing quality, impact and its scientific and social relevance.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by Whatsapp (+55853038-4127).

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025): January/December - 2025

This cover page represents the article titled "Harnessing the Power of Scientific Research for Societal Progress" which explores the critical role of scientific research in disseminating knowledge, guiding policy decisions, and addressing societal issues. The article highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientific research, emphasizing the importance of timely and accessible publications in managing public health crises. It discusses the necessity of evaluating the societal impact of research through open access and alternative metrics, ensuring rigorous peer review, and fostering effective science communication. Additionally, the article underscores the importance of educating young scientists about the broader implications of their work for societal progress. The Brazilian Journal of Case Reports is dedicated to promoting the significance of scientific research and invites authors to contribute their insights and discoveries to advance this vital cause.

Published: 2025-01-01

Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides type: report of case series

Yan de Castro Souza, Jandir Mendonça Nicacio, Fernando Dias Neto, Heverton Garcia de Oliveira, Dannyel Macedo Ribeiro, Tania Rita Moreno de Oliveira Fernandes


Osseointegration of a displaced dental implant in the maxillary sinus: a 7-year follow-up case report

Marcelo Rodrigues Azenha, Plauto Cristopher Aranha Watanabe, Sebastián Pérez Errázuriz, Luis Fernando Jardim, Ana Luisa Riul Sório


Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: An Uncommon Form of Pyelonephritis Highlighted in a Case Report

Danielle Malavazi Oliveira; Bárbara Sthefany de Paula Lacerda; Matheus Compart Hemerly, Maria Isabel Lima dos Santos, Weverton Machado Luchi


Pylephlebitis with Bacteremia from a Rare Bacterium: A Case Report of Septic Mesenteric-Portal Thrombophlebitis Associated with Acute Diverticulitis

Paula Heroso Moreira, Giovana Rezende Fernandes Costa Costa, Lucas Terasoto, Gabriel da Silva Eli, Barbara Loeser Faro, Pedro Henrique Garcia Parreira, Pedro Henrique Garcia Parreira, Adonis Nasr


A case of facial vein rupture induced by coughing

Hiroshi Hyakusoku, Shun Furukawa, Jun Aoyama, Meijin Nakayama


A case of a rare autoimmune disease: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease

Banyama Marie Diabri, Yannick Laurent Tchenadoyo Bayala, Marcellin Bonkoungou, Awa Traoré, Joelle Wenlassida Stephanie Zabsonre/Tiendrebeogo, Dieu-Donné Ouedraogo


Trapdoor Fracture in a Child Following a Domestic Accident: Case Report

Marcelo Rodrigues Azenha, Rogerio Bentes Kato, Célio Armando Couto da Cunha Junior, Jorge Alex Pereira Rodrigues, Antonio Pablo Siqueira Taveira, Elker Silva de Oliveira


Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor of the Kidney in an 11-Month-Old Child: Case Report and Literature Review

Laura Mendes Lopes, Fabricio Grenteski, Carlos Roberto Naufel Júnior , Guilherme Andrade Coelho, Guilherme Ferrarini Furlan, Nertan Tefilli, José Anderson Feitoza , Igor Luna Peixoto


Acute Obstructive Abdomen Due to Gallstone Ileus: Case Report and Literature Review

Fabricio Grenteski, Laura Mendes Lopes, Gabriel Rodrigo Cavalheiro, Gustavo Henrique Morcelli da Costa, Carlos Roberto Naufel Júnior, Guilherme de Andrade Coelho, Guilherme Ferrarini, Igor Luna Peixoto, José Anderson Feitoza


Multiple endocrinopathies acquired using a checkpoint inhibitor - Pembrolizumab: A Case Report

Gustavo César Sola Barreto Marcelino, Eduarda Lavínia Mota de Miranda, Fernando Sebastianes


Briefly highlighting some unseen evidence of two comorbid COVID-19 patients

Abdullah, Muhammad Salman, Sher Ali, Riaz Muhammad, Aiman Waheed, Muddasir Khan, Sana Ullah, Carlos Augusto Fernandes de Oliveira


Pancreatobiliary diseases in a patient with spontaneous perforation of duodenal diverticulum: a case report

Lucas Terasoto, Paula Heroso Moreira, Enzo Natanael Faccio, Nicolas Fortunato Veiga, Giovana Rezende Fernandes Costa, Adonis Nasr


Liver Abscess Secondary to Duodenal Perforation After Fishbone Ingestion: A Case Report

Fernanda Pombo Rodriguez, Matheus Antônio Chiconelli Zangari, Rodrigo Piltcher-da-Silva, Vivian Lais Sasaki, Doroty Eva Garcia Felisberto, Júlio Cezar Uili Coelho, Eduardo José Brommelstroet Ramos, Micheli Fortunato


Primary T-Cell Lymphoma of the Prostate in a Dog – Case Report

Marina Laudares Costa, Carlos Eduardo Fonseca-Alves, Gustavo Garkalns de Souza Oliveira, Ana Paula Massae Nakage-Canesin, Paula Christine Bonadio Rezende, Thiago Demarchi Munhoz


Obstructive Jaundice Due to Hydatid Cyst: Case Report

Beatriz Cuiabano Arruda Borges, Juan Kober Manzoni, Luccas Galdino de Oliveira Borges, Carlos Alberto Tomatis Loth


Bilateral Comminuted Mandibular Fracture Caused by Gunshot Wound: Case Report Using Prototyping to Assist Surgical Planning

Julia Tavares Palmeira, Diego Learth Lima, Ricardo Franklin Gondim, José Maria Sampaio Menezes Junior, Clarice Maia Soares de Alcântara Pinto


Tamoxifen Retinopathy. An Uncommon but Serious Complication: Case Report

Lucas Linhares Pierre, Lara Linhares Pierre, Paulo de Tarso Ponte Pierre-Filho


A Case of Quadruple Trouble: SLE's Multi-System Onslaught

Marwa Morgom, Mona M. Alhaj, Sujood Musa Awadelseed, Mohamed Taher Alasfari


Bilateral Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Dissection: Interventional Management – A Case Report

Payam Sasannejad, Amir Khanmirzaei, Mohsen Soltani, Bahar Karimikhoshnoudian, Reza Gorji, Houman Baharvahdat, Soheil Shokri Shakib, Maryam Payere


Aortic Trauma: A Rare Case Report

Carolina Lacerda Rodrigues, Giovanna Jurucunas de Oliveira Gaeta, Jacqueline Mendes da Cruz, Felipe Ramon Menezes da Silva, Thauane Pereira Nunes, Pedro Gomes Santana, Ana Paula de Carvalho Miranda Rosati, Luis Fernando Rosati


Lymphedema due to Podoconiosis in Brazil

José Maria Pereira de Godoy, Henrique José Pereira de Godoy, Lívia Maria Pereira de Godoy


Alternative Treatment for Iatrogenic Dermatoporosis

Fernanda Cassain, Marisa Gonzaga, Jeovana Soares, Renata Viana, Márcio Serra


Neonatal Chlamydial Conjunctivitis

Nathalia da Cruz Assad Monteiro, Regina Celia de Souza Campos Fernandes, Enrique Medina-Acosta


Thromboembolectomy in a Patient with Acute Arterial Occlusion in the Lower Limb and Complex Postoperative Evolution: Challenges in Emergency Hospital Practice

Juan Manuel Yampara Guarachi, Ana Paula de Carvalho Miranda Rosati Rocha, Julia Habibe, Noemi Fourcroy Maillard, Giovanna Jurcunas de Oliveira Gaeta, Felipe Ramon Menezes da Silva, Pedro Gomes Sant’anna, Carolina Lacerda Rodrigues, Luis Fernando Rosati Rocha


Case report: The use of Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Severe Leptospirosis

Fernando de Oliveira e Silva Neto, Renan Gomes Mendes Diniz, Gabriel Cavalcante Lima Chagas, Helen Melo Oliveira Felix, Ana Larissa Pedrosa Ximenes, Bráulio Matias de Carvalho, Fátima Rosane de Almeida Oliveira, Daniel Francisco de Mendonça Trompieri, Juan Alberto Casquillo Meija, Lucia da Conceição Andrade, Elizabeth de Francesco Daher


Anesthetic Management of a Patient with ARC Syndrome - Arthrogryposis, Renal Dysfunction, and Cholestasis: A Case Report

Beatriz Figueiredo Mota Diniz Costa, Maurício Vitor Machado Oliveira, Maria Beatriz Assumpção Mourão Soares de Senna, Marina Ayres Delgado


Femoral Shaft Fracture with Popliteal Artery Injury: A Case Report of a Gunshot Wound

Noémie Fourcroy Maillard, Flávia Nunes Benicio de Souza, João Alexandre Ranzeiro de Bragança dos Santos, Julia Habibe de Souza, Manuella Santos de Rezende, Vinicius Macário Mendes, José Antônio Vieira da Silva Calsoni, Frederico do Amaral Bahia, Ana Paula de Carvalho Miranda Rosati, Luis Fernando Rosati


The Cardiac pathophysiology of Covid-19

Hubert Daisley, Oneka Acco, Haille Joseph, Johann Daisley, Martina Daisley


Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy in a Black Patient Victim of Facial Burn: A Case Report

Iago Barbosa Vidal, Patrícia Teixeira Silva, Igor Santos da Rocha, Tales Freitas Dantas, Marcelo Leite Machado da Silveira, Bárbara Gressy Duarte Souza Carneiro, Maria Joceleide Jorge, Ricardo Franklin Gondim, José Maria Sampaio Menezes Junior, Ariel Valente Bezerra


Management of Gunshot-Induced Mandibular Fracture in a Young Patient Using External Fixation: A Case Report

Diego Learth Lima, Iago Barbosa Vidal, José Maria Sampaio Menezes Junior, Kariny Oliveira Silva, Nayara Kelly Silva de Oliveira Cavalcante, Ricardo Franklin Gondim, Rildenson Moura Pereira, Ariel Valente Bezerra


Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma in the Interior of Bahia: A Case Report

Guilherme Oliveira Santos, Jivago Souza Dias, Rafael Feitosa do Nascimento Passos, Leandro Gois Siqueira


Blunt Thoracoabdominal Trauma with Multiple Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident: A Complex Case Report in the Emergency Room

Ana Paula de Carvalho Miranda Rosati Rocha, Luis Fernando Rosati, Marcos Alvin Abbade, Ana Luiza de Carvalho Miranda Rosati Rocha, Vinícius Alves Carneiro Lima


The Crack Lung – A Case Report

Débora Lopes, Cátia Gorgulho, Joana Ribeiro, André Neto Real, Nuno Catorze


Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis Associated with Severe Malaria – A Case Report

Teresa Oliveira, Ana Clara Dinis, Sofia Narciso, Tiago Pereira, Nuno Catorze


Mandibular Reconstruction with a Free Rib Graft: Case Report and Literature Review

Kariny Oliveira Silva, Diego Learth Lima, Antônio Mont'Alverne Lopes Filho, José Maria Sampaio Menezes Júnior, Ricardo Franklin Gondim, Raimundo Thompson Gonçalves Filho, Murilo Alves Teixeira Neto, José Lincoln Carvalho Parente


The Challenge of Urogenital Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Elderly Patients

Carolina Seabra, Ana Filipa Silva, Raquel Duro, André Paupério, Vitor Fagundes


Pseudoaneurysm of Muscular Artery in the Thigh Following Low-Energy Trauma: A Case Report

Luis Fernando Rosati, Ana Paula Miranda Rosati, Ana Luiza de Carvalho Miranda Rosati Rocha, Jorge Ribeiro, Rayane Freitas de Oliveira, Davi Couto Pimenta, Jennifer Ferreira de Matos


Surgical Management of Extensive Facial Laceration: A Case Report

Emanoel Italo de Almeida Silva, Nayara Kelly Silva de Oliveira Cavalcante, Rildenson Moura Pereira, Iago Barbosa Vidal, Josfran da Silva Ferreira Filho, Ricardo Franklin Gondim, José Maria Sampaio Menezes Junior, Manoel de Jesus Rodrigues Mello, Abrahão Cavalcante Gomes de Souza Carvalho


Ramsay Hunt Syndrome – Case Report

Joana Freitas Ribeiro, Cátia Gorgulho, Ana Matos, Tiago Alves


Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Dyspnea

Joana Freitas Ribeiro, Cátia Gorgulho, Débora Lopes, Ana Matos, Luís França, Nuno Catorze


Posterior Chordae Rupture of the Tricuspid Valve due to Myocardial Infarction: A Rare Entity Among Tricuspid Valve Pathologies

Endri Balla, Okay Karslıoğlu, Dominique Seri, Denizhan Akpınar , Ecem Tuğba Yamaç , Elshad Mansımzada, Hakkı Tankut Akay , Elvin Kesimci, Atila Sezgin


Rehabilitation of the Atrophic Maxilla with the Hybrid All-on-Four Technique Associated with Pterygoid Implants: Case Report

Breno Silva do Amaral, Maria Taywri Almeida Costa, Vilmar Santos de Almeida, Raphael Carvalho e Silva, Mauro Luiz Travessa de Barros, José Silva Junior


Alternative Method for Airway Approach in Anesthesia of a Newborn with Occipital Encephalocele

Thatiane Noel Ximenes, Marco Antônio Cardoso de Resende, Rogério Luiz da Rocha Videira, Andrea Jorge e Silva, Joana de Almeida Figueiredo, Iara Tânia Gonçalves, Bruno Camara de Resende


High-Grade Cutaneous Fibrosarcoma

Beatriz Cuiabano Arruda Borges, Juan Kober Manzoni, Luccas Galdino de Oliveira Borges, Carlos Alberto Tomatis Loth


Open-Lip Schizencephaly in Adulthood

Joana Freitas Ribeiro, Cátia Gorgulho, Ana Matos


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